This legendary director from the earliest days of Hollywood was also one of the most despised.

He would go out of his way to insult, humiliate, discourage, and otherwise be terrible to those around him (especially women), even when it wasn’t called for.

It wasn’t just that he ran a tight ship, as is often reported.

He got off on it. He had a raging sadism kink, which he had to keep under wraps given not only the society at the time, but also the religious nature of his most successful films.

His targets were typically strong women he felt he could get a thrill from knocking down.

He ruined the careers of multiple actresses over trivial matters simply because it made him feel powerful, and his ultimate score was if he could get them to cry. At home, it got to the point where his wife allowed him to have a mistress he could take out his violent tendencies upon, who shared the same kink, if it stopped him from beating and abusing her.

A big part of his kink was Western gear including whips and spurs, which he often wore to the set.

Off-set, you can imagine what he did with those implements.

Cecil B. DeMille

Constance Adams DeMille

Their marriage was reportedly strained due to sexual incompatibility, with Adams being described as “too pure” for DeMille’s more intense preferences. As a result, Adams allowed him to have long-term mistresses, including screenwriter Jeanie MacPherson, while they maintained the appearance of a faithful marriage. Despite his affairs, DeMille avoided romantic relationships with his stars, believing it would undermine his authority as a director.

They were sexually incompatible; according to DeMille, Adams was too “pure” to “feel such violent and evil passions” as he. DeMille had more violent sexual preferences and fetishes than his wife. Adams allowed DeMille to have several long-term mistresses during their marriage as an outlet while maintaining an appearance of a faithful marriage. One of DeMille’s affairs was with his screenwriter Jeanie MacPherson. Despite his reputation for extramarital affairs, DeMille did not like to have affairs with his stars, as he believed it would cause him to lose control as a director. He once said he maintained his self-control when Gloria Swanson sat on his lap, and refused to touch her.