Talk show host is preparing to file suit against not only the YouTuber but her ex husband and the mistress

Source: Mr. X via Crazy Days and Nights

Which YouTube gossip girl is about to have another lawsuit coming her way?

The alliterate talk show host is preparing to file suit against not only the YouTuber but the talk show host’s ex husband and mistress turned fiancée who have been giving the YouTuber content about the host’s medical condition.

Youtuber: Tasha K

Wendy Williams

Kevin Hunter Sr.

Sharina Hudson

Wendy Williams’ Brother Shuts Down Claims She’s Battling Dementia And Confined To A Wheelchair

Wendy Williams’ brother is refuting claims that she is showing early signs of dementia and confined to a wheelchair. In a chat with The Sun, Thomas Williams, Jr. said his sister isn’t having any cognitive issues and her problems are all related to her physical health.

“We haven’t had any alerts like that and I haven’t seen anything like that or have had conversations with her that would lead me to believe that,” he said. “We routinely go up and check on Wendy even though we’re all down here in Florida. I try to make it up there and my dad speaks with Wendy frequently. So no, we don’t have any concerns concerning her mental state. It’s all physical. I am trying to find out if she’s coming down for Thanksgiving. I mean- she’s normal like that.”

The Ricky Smiley Morning Show’s Toine The Don said the New Jersey gossip girl was battling serious health issues, which he said Williams Jr. told Tasha K.

“It is being reported that the 57-year-old talk show host has completely lost all blood circulation in her legs and in her feet,” he said on Nov. 22. “They say the return to the show isn’t looking good right now…It’s also being reported that Wendy is suffering from he early stages of dementia. This is sad.” – Source