The question is whether the alliterate reality star knew they were fake but pretended they were real (not her breasts/butt or any other body part) or will throw someone under a bus and say she was told they were real by some employee/contractor/supplier and she is innocent.
Kim Kardashian
Donald Judd furniture
Kim Kardashian is being sued for claiming her tables are authentic Donald Judd pieces when they’re not.
The Judd Foundation, representing Judd’s legacy, filed a lawsuit against Kardashian and Clements Design, the company that made the tables.
The foundation accuses Kardashian of making false claims and Clements Design of trademark and copyright infringement.
The dispute arose after Kardashian showcased the tables in a video tour of her office.
The Judd Foundation relies on sales of Judd’s furniture for income and argues that the misrepresentation harms their financial stability.
Despite attempts to resolve the issue, the dispute is now headed to court.
The foundation wants the video deleted and Kardashian to issue a public statement.
Their goal is to protect Judd’s work, as he was known for fiercely safeguarding the authenticity of his creations.