She spotted a much deeper pocketed backup

The political commentator who defended the rapper, is now defending the NBA player accused of similar things, having spotted a much deeper pocketed backup for when the rapper doesn’t close on his purchase of her husband’s website .

Political commentator: Candace Owens

Kanye West

NBA Player: Kyrie Irving

Husband: George Farmer

Website: Parler

Candace Owens: I Won’t Turn My Back on Kyrie Irving

Daily Wire host Candace Owens said she is standing behind basketball star Kyrie Irving in the wake of a controversy that started when he tweeted a link to a film that contains antisemitism.

“There was so much pressure that was put upon me to condemn Kyrie Irving based on his press conference,” Owens said Monday. “When I watched this press conference, I felt Kyrie’s pain.”

Owens has been an outspoken critic of things that she views as atrocities committed against the general welfare or advancement of the Black community.

“As a Black person, people don’t often think about how bizarre it is that we don’t know where we come from,” she said. “If you ask the majority of white people, they’ll say oh my family is from Scotland, my husband’s family goes back so many generations, when you talk to most people, they have a cultural understanding of their history.”

Owens said the Black people often don’t understand their roots because of the slave trade.

“I’m not saying this is someone else’s fault but what Kyrie Irving said is that you cannot pit atrocity against another atrocity and basically say that his pain doesn’t matter,” Owens said.

“So no, I am not going to turn my back on Kyrie Irving and pretend that he’s an awful human being based on this press conference,” she added. – Source

ADL creates ‘more antisemitism,’ divides Jews, black people -Candace Owens

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) creates more antisemitism, political commentator Candace Owens said on Saturday night in the wake of the Kanye West and Kyrie Irving antisemitism scandals, sharing a tweet by an anti-Israel activist claiming that the NGO created Jewish insecurity to justify Zionism.

“I think the ADL is like BLM [Black Lives Matter] and the NAACP [National Association for the Advancement of Colored People]. They create more antisemitism just like BLM created more racism.” wrote Owens, explaining why she shared The Grayzone News editor Max Blumenthal’s tweet. “They work only to further divide groups—in this circumstance, black and Jewish people.”

In the tweet shared by Owens, Blumenthal had written that “White American Jews are living through a golden age of power, affluence and safety,” and that “Acceptance of this welcome reality threatens the entire Zionist enterprise, from lobby fronts like the ADL to the State of Israel, because Zionism relies on Jewish insecurity to justify itself.”

He added that Irving and West did not threaten American Jews in any concrete way, and the result of the ADL’s attempt to justify its existence was “Jewish paranoia and Black humiliation is the result.” – Source