Paying the increase knowing in your head it won’t work.

Speaking of the celebrity CEO, only he is someone who could get away with frequent price increases for a product that doesn’t work and hasn’t worked and then makes you get all FOMO, so you pay the increase knowing in your head it won’t work.

Elon Musk


FOMO:  Fear Of Missing Out

Tesla demands removal of video of cars hitting child-size mannequins

SAN FRANCISCO — Tesla is demanding an advocacy group take down videos of its vehicles striking child-size mannequins, alleging the footage is defamatory and misrepresents its most advanced driver-assistance software.

In a cease-and-desist letter obtained by The Post, Tesla objects to a video commercial by anti-“Full Self-Driving” group the Dawn Project that appears to show the electric vehicles running over mannequins at speeds over 20 mph while allegedly using the technology. The commercial urges banning the Tesla Full Self-Driving Beta software, which enables cars on city and residential streets to automatically lane-keep, change lanes and steer.

The commercial led to a surge of news articles and criticism of Tesla’s software, which is being tested in an early-release version by more than 100,000 users on public streets in countries including the United States and Canada. It also triggered blowback from Tesla supporters who said the test could have been manipulated. Some of them sought to re-create the demonstrations — sometimes involving real children — in an effort to show that Tesla’s software does actually work. – Source