Botox and the weekly shot
Another weekly shot sighting
She’s terrified of going through another bankruptcy.
She knew that her sister’s husband/manager was beating her up and said nothing.
Old Hollywood: The Restaurants
Because the actor was using the waitresses as his harem, then a solid dozen of the waitresses got pregnant.
Beauty line fail
Her beauty line pulled for low sales. And her childhood friend from the block called her out
Political Career or OnlyFans?
An adult consultant told her she could make $20M in less than 24 hours on OnlyFans.
The shot and the pill
This pill will be sold to the elite so they can look down on the people who have to get the shot.
Two governments are investigating him
The taxmen on both sides of the border are coming after this rapper.
His gambling debt
How many days of a residency do you have to do to pay off mid eight figures?
5 blinds in a row: March 18, 2024
5 blinds in a row: she got hammered drunk / noisy and messy / headlines /residency / new dates
3 revealed blind items in a row – March 16, 2024
3 revealed blind items in a row: fourth time / kinks / wired money
Why Don’t You Love Me?
So Kanye went Gospel, Dolly Parton Rock and Roll, Beyonce Country.. Who is next? If I wake up to Post Malone singing cheesy romantic songs ... oh wait!
Can we get a restraining order on flyers?
Thinking of getting a restraining order on HelloFresh flyers before they take over my life! Do you feel the same? Are you a subscriber? Read my rant here
Allegedly AI reporters coming to Deadspin
No actual reporters.
The Mutiny – Reader Blind
His employees are fed up with being paid peanuts while he spends money he claims he doesn’t have on endless vacations.
5 revealed blind items in a row – March 15, 2024
5 revealed blind items in a row: the French billionaire / her wish / fashion shows in Italy / report from a doctor / there is no drug testing in Hollywood
She was trying to convince her ex to leave his mistress
The husband took all of the money from the Housewife.
Olivia Munn’s Shocking Battle: Breast Cancer, Double Mastectomy
She kept her journey private until now
One is a child killer other one is a wife and a child killer.
Reality show pitch: Still a hard No!
4 revealed blind items in a row – March 14, 2024
4 revealed blind items in a row: she needs money / no one even recognizes him / fishing for sympathy / germs
General HighBooty
Those closest to the televangelist warned him about being associated with Mr. FreakOff but he did not listen.