6 blinds in a row: April 30, 2024
6 blinds in a row: the group / ask him / rumor / spinoff / another installment to walk away / sugardaddy
Dry lettuce for dinner
If they didn’t like her performance at lessons or how she looked in a photo shoot, she was given dry lettuce for dinner
The Bicep Bracelet – Their Goddess
Is Eugenia Cooney the new Mary-Kate Olsen? Well not really new, but she keeps going.. Hope she will get help.
Tabloids back in the day
Catch and kill scheme: This tabloid boss testified that he made hush money payments to cover up for Ahhhnold as well.
Boyfriend shopping
Her dating criteria as limited to famous, attractive, and wealthy individuals.
She is about to get fired.
Allegedly she has been coming into work each morning wasted out of her mind.
If and when push comes to shove
They more data about more people than any other company in the world.
Gignac, AKA the Fake Saudi Prince – as royal as a rubber duckie in a bathtub
The Prince Who Wasn't: The Hilarious Tale of Anthony Gignac
His old employer needs a boost for the fall.
He is playing the ultimate game of "Show Me the Money!"
4 blinds in a row: April 26, 2024
4 blinds in a row: The psychic / his new significant other / arrest warrants / hair plugs
Steady diet of coke and booze
Lordy lord might be heading to rehab for a couple of months.
The Bet – Old Hollywood blind
Mob boss, the actress and the A list singer. Sad and disturbing old Hollywood blind.
Sale of the clock company
He is desperate for the technology and the algorithms, not to mention the money.
Allegedly actor screwed his investors
This foreign born permanent A list athlete is suing the actor for millions.
His six figure debt
Can he make her guardian overlook the wrongs he's done and forgive the six-figure debt he owes her?
She is “reportedly” eager to have another child
Somehow she thinks having a baby will get everyone to love her again.
As her career fallsout she lashes out
She knows after what she said she isn't going to get hired for anything again
He is slowly distancing himself
Good news: Their recruitment numbers are in the toilet
Are we seeing a repeat now?
They think her current boyfriend has a way of taking her down a path that isn't good for her.
He said no to weight loss shot
He says he wants to enjoy life and that taking the shot would be miserable.