They are making a fortune
No artist to pay. No royalties to pay.
The buzz
This probably a one hit wonder, went through a ton of xxx at the after party.
Heavy restitution
Next year, she won't have any money.
She used medication help to lose 60 pounds
Amazing how a multi-million-dollar deal is the catalyst to honesty for some people.
5 blinds in a row: May 18, 2024
5 blinds in a row: another baby / something embarrassing / kids said no / more than the magician
The Big Loss
Old sad story: She loses the baby and within a week our actor files for divorce. Our singer then went on a very long binge of self medication.
Things are not adding up
Things are not adding up in the investigation at all and he denied his involvement in sports betting.
Speaking of petty
They are going after a tiny YouTube account..
4 blinds in a row: May 15, 2024
4 blinds in a row: bearding / promotion / superhero / voice over
Four funny stories about Mick Jagger
Elvis greeted him by saying, "You look like a chicken that’s been dragged through sh*t."
He got engaged, she posted photos of her dog
There is buzz that he secretly married his partner, but didn't want his ex to know.
The problem is the male lead has his eye on a much younger actress
Leo being Leo, we know how this is gonna end :)
Actor almost let it slip
He describes feeling nervous but relieved that they danced to a slow song, avoiding the need to match Travolta's dance moves.
6 blinds in a row: May 14, 2024
6 blinds in a row: leaked stories / machete / boyfriend beating / new track / sugarbaby / auditioning
County lines
The authorities are now interested in at least five other rappers making the same “Street Profit”.
6 blinds in a row: May 16, 2024
6 blinds in a row: they aren't selling tickets / as she grows older / original nose / promised gig / reporter was tossed / split is coming
The mysterious illness and tragic death of Jean Harlow
This photo with director Jack Conway and Clark Gable on the set of Saratoga was taken only minutes before Harlow's collapse and was issued at the time her death was announced.
Fake attendance
Church leader faked attending a big event for the church.
Cursed black book auction
A mysterious cursed "black book" with high-profile names in it is being sold to a secret bidder.
Transferred profits and bullying
She is accusing him of stealing assets and engaging in bullying and gaslighting.