This editor has informed the powers that be that if anyone touches her magazine, they should expect all kinds of things to come out about said powers that be.

Anna Wintour


The Devil Wears Prada

Anna Wintour and Anne Hathaway delighted fans with a surprise appearance on Broadway in “Gutenberg! The Musical!” During the show, Wintour joked about being a famous Broadway producer with Hathaway as her assistant, referencing Hathaway’s role in “The Devil Wears Prada.” Fans loved the reference, expressing their joy at the mini-reunion.

“I’m a very famous Broadway producer, and this is my assistant,” she said, gesturing towards Hathaway. In response, Hathaway was seen shaking her head and looking down at the floor, to show her producer hat, before asking the fashion designer: “Still?” The crowd then burst into laughter and applause, after hearing Hathaway’s response to Wintour’s remark.

This wasn’t the first time the two had crossed paths since the film’s release, with Hathaway unintentionally channeling her character’s style at a fashion show.