The A- list foreign actress knows more is coming out about her higher on the list soon to be ex, so this was the time to bail.
Isla Fisher
Sacha Baron Cohen
Rebel Wilson stated in a recent interview that she will never work with Sacha Baron Cohen again, regardless of any monetary offer, including a staggering $50 million.
This declaration came after Wilson described her negative experience working with Baron Cohen on the set of the 2016 film “The Brothers Grimsby” in her memoir “Rebel Rising,” where she labeled him as an “a–hole” and detailed feeling harassed and humiliated.
Baron Cohen’s representatives denied these claims, citing evidence contradicting Wilson’s allegations.
Despite the movie’s failure at the box office, Wilson emphasized that her intention in sharing her story is not about canceling anyone, but rather about encouraging more discussions on such issues to prevent them from happening in the future.