Having a showmance is always tough around the holidays. At this point, at least between themselves, the A list athlete and her significant other are in an open relationship.

The problem is neither can get caught because then the secrets would be exposed and opportunities lost.

The couple have never lived together but are having a big family Christmas with both sides of the family who have no idea about the fakery.

Caitlin Clark

Connor McCaffery

It never happened before and it hasn’t happened since NYC.

The vast majority of the paps drama involving the ginger haired one was embellished just so he could whine to daddy about it.

No one cares enough to follow him or his wife.

They just wanted a good story to promote the book.

Prince Harry

Meghan Markle

King Charles

Just like Cannes back in the day, this city is considered the neutral zone for yachters in this area of the world wanting to make money.

They often appear doing some no-name promotion you’ve never heard of in the city.

When of course it’s just the cover for the real booking.


This permanent A+ list athlete recently had a baby. It is unclear if his wife knows.

LeBron James

Speaking of productions, this foreign production that I wrote about in this space as being troubled and people leaving during the show, is getting worse.

The permanent A list actress who helms it has her lines fed to her via an earpiece which makes things very awkward.

Sigourney Weaver

The Tempest