Cursed black book auction

You can buy one of the billionaire ped*phile’s address books, but the last person who owned one of them ended up dead.

The thing is cursed.

Jeffrey Epstein

A mysterious “black book” believed to belong to Jeffrey Epstein, the late pedophile financier, is set to be auctioned, revealing names and addresses of 221 previously undisclosed individuals.

Daily Beast first reported the story. Among the famous names reportedly in the book:

Former President Donald Trump
Billionaire New York businessman John Catsimatidis
Suzanne Ircha, Melania Trump’s best friend and co-owner of the New York Jets
Billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn
Cristina Greeven, the wife of fired CNN anchor Chris Cuomo
Ex-Playboy CEO Christie Hefner
Marty Peretz, and ex-New Republic publisher and a former political mentor to Al Gore

The book, found in the 1990s, contains 349 names, with 221 not appearing in Epstein’s other known black book.

While many named individuals deny significant association with Epstein, the auction is expected to fetch up to $200,000.

Epstein’s death in 2019, ruled a suicide, halted legal proceedings against him, but revelations from sealed court documents continue to shed light on his connections to prominent figures.

The auction underscores ongoing interest and scrutiny surrounding Epstein’s network and its implications.