Many many years ago, I remember writing about an actor who owned a trailer park in Northern California that was a front for a pot cultivation farm.

If you need a place to stay, you could use one of his trailers for free, but you had to grow pot, and he had a security guy to enforce it.

He ran that for many years until he sold it to the security guy who then let it go down the drain until it became a trailer park/meth lab/bordello for bikers.

There was also the A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee who owned multiple massage parlors and for many years was a huge trafficker of women between parlors not only in Los Angeles, but through much of the western part of the US.

He is out of that business now, but he did keep several of those women as long time girlfriends whether he was married or not.

Our actor today is very vocal about his religion. He is very careful to take parts that will not offend his religion.

He probably could be A+ list were he to take all that is offered to him.

Through his church and his humanitarian efforts, he comes across many people who are struggling and need help financially.

They often need a place to stay.

Our actor, along with another actor who has been A+ list, have bought several motels across the country to house families in need.

In the Los Angeles area, there are three that I know of, but there may be more.

Two of the motels are much like the ones scattered across the country for use by local churches.

They house families.

The third motel is where they keep young women.

They prefer young women who have never had kids, but they will sometimes accept a woman who has one child, as long as she is young and pretty.

The women in this motel are brought there from places around the country.

They are offered jobs and a place to stay and to get back on their feet.

The two actors are a big part of the push.

One or the other will reach out to the woman, who has often been recruited from the families that are staying at family motels.

When she reaches 18, she is encouraged to help her family by moving to Los Angeles.

Once they are settled in and regular payments are being made to her and her parents and the parents are able to move out of the motel in whatever town they are located and into a house, the hook is set.

The woman is introduced to a man from somewhere in the country.

A wealthy donor to the church.

She is encouraged to date the man and then get married and get immediately pregnant.

The actors have devised their own baby making/trad wife farm of people most vulnerable who want to help their families.

The guy with the trailer park: Woody Harrelson

The guy with massage parlors: Nicolas Cage

Releated revealed blind item:

It was not that long ago that this sometime A+ list mostly movie actor who really hovers at the A/A- list range had to sell of a lot of stuff. Much like Johnny Depp, he had a ton of houses and possessions but not enough cash flow. He also owed the tax man a ton of money. So, he had a fire sale and signed up for some easy paychecks. Road to recovery. One of the things he didn’t sell, and that most people don’t even know he owns is a motel. Located in the heart of Koreatown here in LA, it is next to what Koreans would call a room salon. It is a place where men gather and have drinks served to them by barely dressed barely legal women. There is a lot of groping and often times money is exchanged and the men want to have sex with one of the women. Enter the motel. Our actor has owned it for close to two decades. It is said he gets a cut of whatever the men pay the women plus the hotel room charge, plus of course a never ending supply of porn. Each room is completely wired for video and sound. The actor spared no expense and has two technicians who make sure everything is running smoothly. Over the last few years, the actor has enjoyed a direct to home video feed of each motel room. Our actor has also managed to capture on film several studio heads, athletes, agents and managers. There have also been several local politicians. Our actor doesn’t extort them for money, but makes sure that each of them knows he has recordings of them having sex with barely legal women. It is one of the reasons he gets paid double for crap movies and why he keeps getting booked for tons of movies despite all of his personal foibles and addiction issues.

Nicolas Cage