She was told an attempt was made on his life by poisoning his food.

If you believe this foreign born former A list syndicated actress who is in contact again with the imprisoned journalist, she was told an attempt was made on his life two weeks ago by poisoning his food.

Pamela Anderson

Julian Assange

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Can Be Extradited to U.S. After U.K. Court Reverses Decision

A high British court reversed its decision not to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States on Friday. If extradited, he could face charges of breaking espionage laws and conspiring to hack into government computers.

The United States government won an appeal over the 50-year-old’s extradition in a British court Friday, according to NBC News, which also reported that Assange’s legal team has plans to appeal the decision.

Assange, who was not present at Friday’s hearing and has denied any wrongdoing, is being held in the Belmarsh prison in London, the news outlet added.

The 18 U.S. charges Assange could face if extradited include breaking espionage laws after WikiLeaks published classified United States documents in 2010, with some related to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, in addition to others about high-powered officials around the world. Assange has maintained he released the documents in the pursuit of government transparency.- Source