One of the stars of a very successful film franchise has a child who may be in trouble.
At the recent celebration of their new film’s opening, the actor’s cast mates were lavishing lots of attention and love on his young daughter.
That’s great.
However, what they don’t know is that after the celebration and the parties were over… the teen went back to an empty house. Her father isn’t there (the parents never married), and her mother – who is drinking again – took off to Hawaii for a vacation without the child.
While the house is in a safe neighborhood and the teen has money for food, we’re not sure that her being left alone falls within the guidelines that the parents worked out during their divorce.
We suspect that the dad’s extended family and friends would be furious if they knew that the child was essentially fending for herself for prolonged periods of time.
While some parents think it is fine for teens to be home by themselves for the day, we are talking about several days here.
Would you leave your teen home alone for a week?
Correction: We originally said that the parents were divorced. They never actually married.
Paul Walker’s daughter Meadow Rain
Film Franchise: “The Fast and the Furious”